Anne&Max Coffeehouse

On October 13th, 2022, FreshFood Café Anne&Max opened the doors of its first Flagship Store in The Netherlands. Their new location in the city of Haarlem is the largest, most sustainable and smartest Anne&Max branch to date.

StoneCycling collaborated with the designers of Studio JAAF on a custom-made WasteBasedGlazed product for the interior walls of the café, upcycling 416 m² of waste materials. Furniture from the old location has been reused and sustainable building materials have been used. The back wall of the café consists of StoneCycling’s WasteBasedSlips® with a custom made sustainable glazing, developed in partnership with glazing expert Daria Biryukova of Studio Mixtura.

The sustainable design and the new facilities must contribute to the entire, planet-friendly Anne&Max experience.

2022 OCtober